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时间:2010-08-23 13:38:23  来源:  作者:

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Genomic polymorphism within interleukin-1 family cytokines influences the outcome of septic patients


马朋林 陈德昌 潘家绮 杜斌

MA Penglin, CHEN Dechang,PAN Jiaqi, DU Bin.Department of Critical Care Medicine,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Beijing100730,China

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  Objective:To determine the allelefrequencies and genotype distribution of interleukin(IL)-1A,IL-1B and IL-1 receptor antagonist(IL-1ra) genepolymorphism in septic patients.


  Methods:A prospective,consecutive entry study was made among 60 patients with the diagnosis of sepsis who were admitted consecutively into the general intensive care unit(ICU),Peking Union Medical College Hospital between 1997 and 1999.APACHEII scoring and MODS scoring were made within 24 hours after admission.The genomic DNA of peripheral blood nucleatedcells was extracted. The polymorphic regions within intron 6 of IL-1 Agene containing variable numbers of atandemrepeat (VNTR) of 46 bp, and intron 2 of IL-1 ragene containing VNTR of 86 bp were amplified by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR).Alleles A124 and RN124 were identified according to the size of amplified DNA product.There gion containing the AvaIpolymorphic site atposition 2511 of IL-1B gene was amplified by PCR,and subsequently digested with AvaI restriction enzyme.

  Results:The frequencies of allele IL-1 raRN2 and genotype RN2/2 in the 60 septic patients were significantly higher than those in normal controls(0134vs0123,P<0.01,and 0112 vs 0105,P<0.05,respectively).The allele frequencies or genotype distribution of IL-1 AVNTR gene polymorphism and IL-1B AvaI polymorphism did not differ between the septic patients and normal controls.Inaddition,genotypes A2/2,B2/2 and RN2/2 were associated with a significantly higher mortality(80%,81% and 71%,respectively)in septic patients.Patients with any of the three alleles,i1e1A2,B2 and RN2,suffered from a much more severe sepsis(as measured by APACHEII and MODSscores)and higher mortality rate(55%~65%),while septic patients with genotypes A1/1,B1/1 or RN1/1 showed a much lower mortality(0~13%).

  Conclusion:Allele IL-1RN2 polymorphism,but not IL-1A or IL-1B genepolymorphism,is associated with susceptibility to sepsis.AllelesA2,B2 and RN2 might be import an thigh risk genetic markers for sepsis.



  白细胞介素-1(IL-1)家族细胞因子,如IL-1A IL-1B和IL-1受体拮抗剂(IL-1ra)在全身性感染的发病过程中起着非常重要的作用。与肿瘤坏死因子A(TNFA)相似,IL-1A和IL-1B也是关键的促炎症介质IL-1ra作为重要的抗炎介质,通过与IL-1的I型和I型受体竞争性结合,可以对IL-1A和IL-1B的活性进行调控[123]。编码IL-1A,IL-1B和IL-1ra的基因位于人类2号染色体长臂q13221带,人类主要组织相容性复合体内,且彼此相邻[4]。某些等位基因可以调节IL-1家族细胞因子的产生,并与某些慢性疾病及自身免疫性疾病(如炎性肠病、类风湿关节炎和系统性红斑狼疮)的严重程度密切相关[527]。然而,有关IL-1复合体与全身性感染的关系仅有少数报道1998年Fang等报道,IL-1raRN2等位基因(variablnumbersoftandemrepeats,VNTR)频率在严重全身性感染患者明显升高。此外,IL-1raRN2等位基因与死亡率增加关系密切[8]







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