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not measure the inspiratory and plateau pressure, so could     SVV correlated well with hemodynamic variables regardless
not conclude that the increase in SVV was due partially        of patient position. The body position changes did not
to the reduced chest wall compliance from body position        affect the correlation of SVV and hemodynamic variables in
changes.                                                       patients with sepsis. The 30° head-up and prone positions
                                                               increased SVV and decreased CI, SVI, GEF and GEDVI;
     Our study had some limitations. First, SVV reflected      reduced GEDVI might be the primary reason for the
by GEDVI were assessed by PiCCOplus device and were            increased SVV. The 30° left or right recumbent positions
not compared with another technique, for instance left         have no effect on hemodynamic data and SVV.
ventricular or right ventricular end-diastolic volume
from transoesophageal echocardiography. However,               REFERENCES
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