Page 11 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第10期
P. 11
The Establishment of Mobile ICU and 1345 Cases of Safe In-
hospital Transport: Experience of Navy General Hospital
Yu-rong Sun1, Li Wen2
1. Intensive Care Unit, Navy General Hospital of PLA, Beijing, 100048
2. Fucheng Road Navy Veteran’s Clinic, Beijing , China, 100048
Aim: To introduce the establishment of mobile ICU and to summarize the nursing care during 1345 cases of safe transport.
Methods: The practice of mobile ICU in our hospital from February 2010 to October 2012, especially the safe in-hospital transport was reviewed,
and the nursing care guidelines for mobile ICU were summarized.
Results: All 1345 cases of patient transport were successfully and safely performed.
Conclusion: The establishment of mobile ICU, with professional nursing group and standardized transport procedure, significantly improved the
transport efficiency and ensured safety, which greatly elevated the standardization level of ICU patient transport management.
Key Words: Mobile ICU; Patient transport; Procedure
Corresponding Author: Yu-rong Sun, E-mail:
With the constant development in the field of (1)Transport monitor
critical care, Critical Care Medicine (CCM) has become We utilized the Phillips IntelliVue MMS X2 portable
an independent discipline. In the current medical care monitor in our daily transport. Before the transport, the
of ICU patients, various necessary test and treatment nurse-in-charge will connect all the wires and leads, and
needs in-hospital transport. Hence it has become an make sure the monitor runs normally, and then the group
important procedure that ICU staff has to deal with. set out.
How to ensure safe and effective transport, and in-time, (2)Transport ventilator
constant monitoring of vital signs is a question that drew We use the transport ventilator manufactured by Yi-
the attention of every ICU staff. USA released “Guidelines an Company. It has storage battery, and oxygen tank, which
for the inter-and-intra hospital transport of critically ill fulfills the requirement of patient transport.
patients” in 2004, and China also drafted “Guidelines for (3)Other equipments
transport of critically ill patients (2010)”, which emphasized Micro-pump with storage battery, electrical sputum
the importance of care during transportation. Our ICU aspirator, and stryker3800E transport bed.
established mobile ICU in February 2013, and has already 3.The special use transport kit
performed 1345 cases of safe in-hospital transport since According to the needs of transport, there are two
then, as reported here. transport kits, the outside medicine kit and the outside
tracheal intubation kit. Both kits were put into transparent
The establishment of mobile ICU plastic boxes for the ease of transport and use. The drugs
in the medicine box include epinephrine (1mg*10),
1.Personnel arrangement norepinephrine (2mg*10), dopamine (20mg*10),
For routine transport, the on-call nurse of the day will physiologic saline (250ml*2, 100ml*2), disposable infusion
take charge. Normally it will be an experienced nurse-in- utensil (*2), 50ml syringe (*2), 5ml syringe (*2), 10ml
charge. For every transport, there at least has to be one syringe (*2), safety trocar (*2), surface film (*2), heparin
nurse-in-charge and one resident in charge (or attending cap (*2), three-limb tubes (*2), tourniquet (*1), compound
physician) to accompany the patient. Sometimes there will iodine (*1), sterile cotton swab (5*5), tape (*1). The outside
also be other residents, fellow, nurses or probationer nurses. tracheal intubation kit include bag respirator (*1), laryngeal
LaboratoryRRaeenvvdiieeCwwlinaainncddalCCInMMvEEesLLteeigccattuutirroeen 434287 FAM 2013 Jan/Feb Vol.20 Issue 1