Page 13 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第10期
P. 13
Review and CME Lecture
loss (1 case), insufficient supply of oxygen (6 cases), and (2)Humanistic care in transport
disconnection of oxygen tube (1 case). All patients returned The patient may feel fear due to the change of
to ICU timely after proper treatment. environment and the hurry of the medical team. So, sober
patients should be informed of the transport to reduce
Thirty months after the establishment of mobile ICU, the psychological fear. And proper communication was
we handed out a survey form to the ICU medical staff, also important, informing the patient of the location, the
including 6 doctors and 12 nurses, all with 4 year and above duration of waiting and inspection time, etc., to obtain the
working experience, and have participated in former ways cooperation of the patient.
of patient transport. All 18 forms were retrieved (100%). (3)Keeping warm
The questions in the form include: Do you participate in Emphasis should be placed on keeping warmth of the
the transport? Is “mobile ICU” superior than old ways patient, as the patient would be placed outside the ward or
of transport? Is “mobile ICU” better for the safety of the building. Determine the thickness of the quilt according
the patient? Are you familiar with the specifications of to the season and let the patient wear masks and hats.
mobile ICU? The results of the survey revealed that the (4)Teamwork
medical staff of our ICU were 100% satisfactory about the The mobile ICU is a unit that embodies the emergency
establishment of mobile ICU, and agreed on it superiority ability and nursing work level at times. In this unit,
over traditional ways of transport. The transport was teamwork of well-trained medical care staff was very
more efficient, convenient and safe after the establishment important. When performing the transport, division of
of mobile ICU. In addition, we randomly released 100 work should be very clear, and emphasis properly placed.
satisfaction questionnaires to the family members of The team should not only prevent major adverse events,
patients, which were all retrieved. The results showed but also pay attention to the details of transportation,
that the family members were 94% satisfactory about our avoid absent-minded, disordered state, in order to show
transport work, and believed that we were equipped with organized ICU image to the public.
professional staff, profession equipment and professional
specifications, and reliable. Summary
Discussion ICU patients are characterized with severe illness, rapid
changes, and the transport of ICU patients is a process that
1.The advantages of mobile ICU combines transport, monitoring and treatment. Accidents
The practice of mobile ICU improved the transport and dangers may occur at any time. The establishment
efficiency, guaranteed the transport safety and established of mobile ICU fulfilled this need and converts dreams to
optimal procedure, which was conducive to the concrete work [5]. Mobile ICU, guided by standard transport
standardized management of ICU patient transport [3]. A specifications and various emergency plans, equipped
study showed that the motility of patient during traditional with profession staff and whole-course monitoring, have
ways of transport could be as high as 7.7%, while that provided a professional mobile transport unit, and become
under mobile ICU practice can drop to 3% [4]. In summary, a indispensable part of modern ICU.
the mobile ICU was a safe and reliable way of in-hospital
transport. REFERENCES
2.Matters needing attention in mobile ICU
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Adequate evaluation before the transport could help
identify the proper mode of transport, and necessary [2] Fang F. The application of nursing care risk management in the in-hospital transport of emergency critical ill
preparation. It could effectively reduce the risks during patients [J]. Journal of Nursing (Chinese). 2008, 23 (9):22-23.
the transport, and avoid any accident due to inadequate
preparation. [3] Wang HR, Chen JY, Tang LJ. The status quo and prospective of process management in hospital nursing care
management [J]. Chinese Journal of Nursing. 2008, 43 (12):1140-1141.
[4] Velmahos GC, Demetriades D, Ghilard M, et al. Life support for trauma and transport: a mobile ICU for safe in-
hospital transport of critically injured patients [J] . J Am Coll Surg, 2004,199 (1):62-80.
[5] Liu DW. The specialization of critical ill patient transport: a mobile ICU [J]. Chinese Journal of Critical and
Emergency Medicine. 2010, 22 (6):321-322.
LaboratoryRaenvdieCwlinaincdalCInMvEesLteigcatutiroen 40 FAM 2013 Jan/Feb Vol.20 Issue 1