Page 11 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第3期
P. 11

Cover Thesis

between proET-1 and sepsis. With this approach we could                                                   the proET-1 level in the plasma. Other specimens from
test whether proET-1 content in plasma can be used as                                                     patients (such as sputum, etc) were collected for local
a reliable diagnostic marker which may help in the early                                                  secretion culture and routine blood test.
diagnosis of the sepsis.
                                                                                                              The criteria of treatment efficacy
   MATERIALS AND METHODS                                                                                       According to the principles of clinical antibiotics
                                                                                                          study: (1) Healing: four criteria, including the symptoms,
    Subjects                                                                                              signs, laboratory tests, and bacteriological examination
     From January 2006 to June 2007, 135 cases were                                                       of the patient recovered to the normal. (2) Effective:
admitted to the ICU in Changzheng hospital including                                                      significant improvement of the disease, but one of four
100 males and 35 females with the average age of 63.35                                                    criteria was not completely back to normal. (3) Improved:
±16.33 (17-80 years old). All the patients met the clinical                                               condition improved after treatment, but not significantly.
diagnostic criteria for sepsis according to the following                                                 (4) Unimproved: all symptoms, physical signs of the
criteria: (1) histological, microbiological, and/or gross                                                 patients at the time of enrollment were maintained or
confirmation of infection, and (2) systemic illness                                                       worsened after 3 days of treatment.
caused by infection and had a positive blood culture of a                                                     Statistical method
pathogenic microorganism.                                                                                      All the data were processed by SPSS 13.0 software. The
    Methods                                                                                               relation between the level of proET-1, and clinical data
     The collection of venous blood was taken once a                                                      (clinical efficacy and infection score) was analyzed.
day from the first day to the third day after admission.
Beginning on the fourth day, venous blood was taken once                                                     RESULTS
every two days; 3-9 venous blood collections were taken
from the patients depending on each patient’s condition.                                                       According to the clinical response, 135 cases were
The observation time was 14 days if the patient survived
during this stage. All the blood samples were centrifuged                                                 divided into three groups: healing group (95 cases),
and stored at -20℃. A sandwich ELISA method was
used (provided by BRAHMS, Germany) to determine                                                           effective and improved group (7 cases), and unimproved

                                                                                                          Table 4 The correlation between proET-1 content and clinical

Table 1 Patients’ characteristics at enrolment.                                                           Spearman's rho  proET-1       Correlation Coefficient        proET1           group
                                                                                                                           group             Sig. (2-tailed)            1.000          0.175**
              Group           Number of patients (M/F)    Mean Age (yrs)                                                                            N                                   0.000
         Healing group                 95 (67/28)       61.8597 ±16.51840                                                                                                967
Effective and improved group             7 (4/3)        61.0000 ±14.32946                                                               Correlation Coefficient        0.175**           967
      Unimproved group                  33 (28/5)       67.7513 ±14.61004                                                                    Sig. (2-tailed)            0.000           1.000
                                                                                                                                                                         967             977

                                                                                                          ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

                                                                                                          Table 5 Infection score varies in three groups.

Table 2 ProET-1 content in three groups (nmol/L).                                                                       Group            Mean     N                    Std. Deviation  Std. Error of Mean
                                                                                                                   Healing group        9.6385   733                      5.36600            0.19820
              Group             Mean     N Std. Deviation  Variation                                      Effective and improved group  10.6000  45                       4.63877            0.69151
         Healing group        64.4094   730 64.54917       4166.595                                             Unimproved group        14.5816  196                      7.32320            0.52309
Effective and improved group  70.0849   43 135.70907       18416.951                                                                    10.6776  974                      6.10467            0.19561
      Unimproved group        100.9884  194 81.70403       6675.548                                                      Total
                              72.0002   967 74.10321       5491.286
               Total                                                                                      ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Table 3 The comparison of proET-1 in different groups.                                                    Table 6 The comparison of infection score in three groups.

Chi-Square (a,b)              ProET1                     Group                                            Chi-Square(a,b)                        Infection Score                        Group
        df                    285.425                   802.983                                                   df                                 802.807                           802.983
  Asymp. Sig.                   654                         2                                               Asymp. Sig.                                .000                                2
                               1.000                      .000                                                                                                                           .000

a. 655 cells (100.0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 1.5.  a. 0 cells (0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 27.8.
                                                                                                          b. 0 cells (0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 325.7.
b. 0 cells (0%) have expected frequencies less than 5. The minimum expected cell frequency is 325.7.

                              Laboratory and Clinical ICnovveesrtigTahteiosins                            19 FAM 2013 Jan/Feb Vol.20 Issue 1
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16