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group (33 cases) (Table 1). Of all the 135 cases, there were: correlation between them (Table 4). The expression
49 cases with pneumonia, 23 cases with multiple trauma, of proET-1 is significantly associated with the clinical
14 cases with peritonitis, 13 cases with pancreatitis, 8 efficacy.
cases with enteritis, 7 cases with infection of oral and
soft tissue, 6 cases with cholecystitis, 6 cases with sepsis, The relationship between infection score and
3 cases with urinary tract infection, 2 cases with rupture clinical efficacy
of esophagus, 1 case with meningitis, 1 case lung abscess,
1case liver abscess, and 1 case diabetic acidosis. A total The infection score had the same trend in the three
of 184 strains were isolated from the patients, which groups. The healing group had the lowest infection
included: staphylococcus aureus (include MRSA) 46, score, while the unimproved group the highest (Table 5)
acinetobacter 29, bacilli coli 27, pseudomonas aeruginosa (p<0.0001). Statistical tests showed significant differences
24, klebsiella 23, enterococcus 12, enterobacter cloacae among the three groups (Table 6). It showed that with
4, stenotrophomonas maltophilia 6, streptococcus 3, the improvement of the disease and the infection under
burkholderia cepacia 3, corynebacterium 2, indole control, the infection score dropped whereas the score
bacillus 2, xylose oxidation of alcaligenes 1, catarrhalis 1, increased in the unimproved group. The Spearman’s
and serratia 1. correlation coefficient between infection score and clinical
efficacy was 0.283, (p<0.0001), which indicated that there
AThe relationship between proET-1 level and was a positive correlation between them (Table 7). The
clinical efficacy infection score was also significantly correlated with the
clinical response.
The outcomes of proET-1 content in three groups are
shown on Table 2. The proET-1 content was the highest The relationship between infection score and
in the unimproved group and the lowest in the healing proET-1
group. (p<0.0001) The difference was significant (Table
3). It also showed that the content of proET-1 in the three Statistical tests showed significant differences
groups varied with the clinical efficacy. The Spearman’s between the infection score and proET-1. The correlation
correlation coefficient between proET-1 and clinical coefficient between them was 0.200 (p<0.0001) (Table 8).
efficacy is 0.175 (p<0.0001), which indicates a positive There was a positive correlation between them.
Table 7 The correlation between infection score and clinical DISCUSSION
efficacy. Endothelin 1 is the most abundant member of the
family of endothelins. It was separated, purified and
Efficacy Correlation Coefficient Efficacy Infection Score named by Yanagisawa in 1988. It is the most potent
Spearman's rho Sig. (2-tailed) 1.000 0.283** endogenous peptide ever discovered, causing contraction
N 0.000 of respiratory smooth muscle, strengthening myocardial
Infection Score 977 974 contractility, and stimulating proliferation of trachea and
Correlation Coefficient 0.283** 1.000 vascular smooth muscle fibers. It can also inhibit renin
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 release, stimulate cardiac atrium cells to release atrial
N 974 natriuretic factor, and stimulate blood vessels to release
974 endothelium derived relaxing factor [5]. ET-1 is involved
in a number of physiological and pathological processes
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). including the vascular changes associated with sepsis [6-
9]. ET-1 originates from a larger precursor peptide (pre-
Table 8 Comparison of infection score and proET-1 in three
Infection Score Correlation Coefficient Infection Score ProET-1
Spearman's rho Sig. (2-tailed) 1.000 0.200**
N 0.000
ProET-1 974
Correlation Coefficient 0.200** 964
Sig. (2-tailed) 0.000 1.000
964 967
Laboratory and Clinical CInovveesrtiTghaetisoins 20 FAM 2013 Jan/Feb Vol.20 Issue 1