Page 16 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第7期
P. 16

Review and CME Lecture

are two independent risk factors which contribute to the       initial stage of post-resuscitation can improve the survival
spontaneous circulation unable to restore[13]. Sufficient      rate .[17]
oxygen for the organs post-resuscitation will improve
and maintain the function of cells, but the amount of               Early initiate enteral nutrition
oxygen level is still controversial. Animal experimental data
indicate that the high level of arterial oxygen may produce         Ischemia, hypoxia and permeability in intestinal
ischemic free radicals to aggravate reperfusion injury so
as to affect the prognosis of the nervous system. Another      tract post-resuscitation will be invaded by sepsis
animal experiments show that 95% of the pulse oxygen
saturation level could significantly improve the prognosis     easily, stimulating the large production and release of
of nervous system in a short time comparing with 100%
level .[14-16] In addition, patients should get rid of the     inflammatory cytokines, promoting the occurrence of
respirator as soon as their basic respiratory status achieves
the standard in order to prevent the complications brought     MODS, especially those with liver and renal dysfunction.
about by continued mechanical ventilation.
                                                               Therefore, enteral nutrition should be initiated timely
     The meaning of sustaining high capacity CRRT
     In the SIRS period of PRS, as ischemic reperfusion        and rationally. Combining mucosal protective agents and
injury is the basis, a variety of cytokines and inflammatory
mediators uncontrolled release, inducing cell damage by        acid-suppressing agents can effectively reduce the risk of
hypoxic metabolites, and then uncontrolled SIRS process
transfers to MODS, and finally changed to MOF. The initial     stress ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal-borne
CRRT after resuscitation is not only renal replacement
therapy, but a support of the recovery of multiple organs      infections. In this case, enteral nutrition was initiated at
for more. The main advantage of the high capacity CRRT
is to remove inflammatory factors efficiently. Small-sized     the third day after the patient’s resuscitation when her
molecular solutes such as serum creatinine, urea and
electrolytes are eliminated by convection and diffusion, and   hemodynamics was stable, which prevented the occurrence
medium-sized or large molecular solutes such as TNF-ɑ,
IL-1, IL -6, IL-8, PAF and myocardial inhibitor are cleaned    of enteritis and dysbacteriosis and protected the intestinal
up by convection and adsorption in order to block waterfall
effect of inflammatory cytokines, and to relieve organ         mucosa well.
damage of them. Second, the CRRT is able to maintain the
acid-base balance, and to stabilize the ions and osmotic            According to the clinical data review of the case, we
pressure between intra- and extra- in cells and blood
vessels, which is the basic condition for the maintenance of   recognize that the treatment of PRS is systemic, which
cell membrane activities, and is also an effective method to
modify internal environmental disorders in PRS patients.       calls for clinicians to establish a global clinical thinking
Furthermore, the CRRT achieve capacity regulation better,
which is benefit for the hemodynamic stability, the relief of  on the basis of understanding the pathophysiology of the
tissue edema for advanced stage, providing the possibility
for the implementation of the mild hypothermia treatment.      disease, to promote the significance in brain protection
The preliminary result of an ongoing study in Australia
and Europe shows that utilizing the CRRT to adjust the         and the initial hemodynamic stabilization and utilize a
patient's temperature, mild hypothermia for 24h at the
                                                               comprehensive treatment. Only in that way will we truly

                                                               increase the survival rate of patients after CRP and improve

                                                               the prognosis of PRS.


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