Page 14 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第11期
P. 14

Laboratory and Clinical Investigation

(two times daily); 6, daily assessment of whether weaning;                                                    nosocomial infection in ICU is very effective.
7, Objective monitoring, regular assessment of infection
changes, adjust according to changes in treatment.                                                               Discussion

     After active treatment and control, patients with                                                             ICU infection control has been the emphasis and
pulmonary infection were controlled quickly. X review                                                         difficulty of ICU management, how to effectively carry out
of lung in good condition, successful weaning from the                                                        the infection control is the ICU staff has been pursuing the
ventilator. The ultimate success of patients with cervical                                                    goal. Compared with other departments of the hospital,
operation, cured.                                                                                             in ICU ward, ventilator-associated pneumonia, catheter-
                                                                                                              related urinary tract infection rate is higher. We consider
   Results                                                                                                    the main reason: ICU ward patients with more serious
                                                                                                              illness, coma and without spontaneous activity, breathing、
     Through the monitoring and management of hospital                                                        swallowing and cough expectoration difficulties, activity
infection in ICU ward, ventilator-associated pneumonia,                                                       was inhibited, much longer time of indwelling catheter
central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection,                                                        and endotracheal intubation, invasive intubation airway
catheter associated urinary tract infection rate decreased                                                    mucosal barrier defense injury, ventilator closed pipeline
year by year, and achieved good results: (see Table 2, table 3)                                               caused by bacteria in circulating retention, easy to cause
                                                                                                              infection such as bacterial colonization. [3-4] The positive
     Therefore, after compared with statistical significance, the                                             analysis of the majority of patients with ICU, the suggestion
incidence of nosocomial infection was significant difference.                                                 according to the target monitoring table, take the positive
                                                                                                              prevention and control measures such as artificial airway
   Conclusion                                                                                                 patients: proper posture (15-30º), strict indications, sputum
                                                                                                              strict aseptic operation, ventilation pipe, atomizer high
     From the monitoring form in recent years, we                                                             level disinfection, pipe replaced weekly, regular oral care,
can draw the conclusion: in ICU, ventilator-associated                                                        daily assessment of whether weaning, regular assessment of
pneumonia, central venous catheter-related bloodstream                                                        infection changes, adjust according to changes in treatment.
infection, catheter associated urinary tract infection rate                                                   Through these effective measures, can reduce the incidence
decreased year by year. Among them, ventilator-associated                                                     of hospital infection; improve the quality of medical
pneumonia from 280‰ in 2008 dropped to 80‰ now,                                                               treatment, more effective to save the patient's life.
central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection rate
from 50‰ in 2008 dropped to 19‰ now, catheter-related                                                         Table 3 Detection of indicators of emergency ICU quality (2012)
urinary tract infection rate from 116.7‰ in 2008 dropped to
33‰ now. After compared with statistical significance, the                                                    Month  Ventilator-associated‰  Central venous catheter related Catheter-associated urinary
hospital infection rate changes have significant differences.
Therefore, the effect of monitoring and management of                                                                                        infection ‰                    tract infection‰

                                                                                                              1 166.7                        25.7                           39.1

                                                                                                              2 155.2                        22.4                           38.9

Table 2 The quality indexes of emergency ICU (2008-2012)                                                      3 130.6                        26.7                           46.2

                                                                                                              4 138                          18.2                           35

                                                        Critically                                            5 121                          21                             32
                                                        ill patients
                              The incidence  Catheter   expected                All kinds                     6 115                          17.5                           39
                                of central    related   mortality               of catheter
      24/48   The incidence       venous      urinary                 Severe     slippage    Tracheal         7 107                          22                             38
      hours   of ventilator-     catheter-     tract     and the      casualty   and then     catheter
       ICU                        related    infection    actual      bedsore    plug the    herniation       8 98                           21                             33.8
      return    associated                    rate%     mortality      rate%
Year  rate‰   pneumonia%      hematogenous                rate%                   rate%        cases          9 93                           19                             33
                                                                                                              10 95                          20                             32

                                                                                                              11 89                          18                             31

                                                                                                              12 83                          19                             33

                                                        10.00                                                 Comparison of statistics in 2008 and 2012: X2=49.18   P<0.05
2008 1.33     280             50             116.7                    0         8.00         1

2009 2.12 241.00              45.0 105.00               13.00         0.67 7.21              0                REFERENCES

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