Page 14 - 麻醉与监护论坛2016年第3期
P. 14

Total intravenous anesthesia with propofol: Case report

Wen-fei Tan, Hong Ma

Department of Anesthesiology, the First Hospital of China Medical University
Corresponding Author: Hong Ma, E-mail:

     It is difficult for anesthesia care providers to reliably  the uncomfortable experience of dyspnea. He woke up
detect residual neuromuscular block in the operation room       from anesthesia with residual neuromuscular blockade
using standard clinical criteria. Respiratory function can be   every time. It is also can explain the reasons of nausea and
subtle affected during minimal neuromuscular blockade,          vomitting and sore throat with inhalation and endotracheal
which is the only complain of some patients undergoing          intubation.
general anesthesia. Studies have suggested that total
intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with propofol reduces the              According to the requirement of the surgery, that is
incidence of postoperation nausea and vomiting (PONV)           immobility、amnesia and short-stay surgical procedure,
and results in shorter emergence time.[1] We report             we designed the plan of anesthesia. Aim of anesthesia is to
one anesthesia case with total intravenous anesthesia of        make sure the patient is safe and feel comfortable. General
propofol and remifentanyl without neuromuscular block,          anesthesia was induced with propofol (2mg/kg) and
and get very satisfied outcome.                                 remifentanyl (1μg/kg) to facilitate laryngeal mask airway
                                                                (LMA) insertion. With 5-10 minutes of assistant ventilation,
   Case report                                                  patients were left in spontaneous ventilation. Anesthesia
                                                                was maintained with 6-8 mg/kg/h propofol and 0.2-0.3μg/
     A 52-year-old male patient was diagnosed as                kg/h remifentanyl to keep BIS between 40 and 60. After
papilloma of bladder. The patient had a medical history         25 minutes of surgery, the patient was awakened in the
of hypersplenia. He underwent transurethral resection           operating room comfortably.
of bladder tumor (TURB) with for 6 times without
complications. All of the 6 operations were done with              Discussion
general anesthesia. At the interview before operation, the
patient had complains of dyspnea、nausea、vomitting                    In conclusion, we have shown rapid recovery of
and sore throat about his feeling of all these 6 times of       spontaneous ventilation when propofol and remifntanil
anesthesia. The most uncomfortable experience of the            were used.
anesthesia was dyspnea. Also, the 6 anesthesia reports of
the patient shows that he underwent general anesthesia               Compared with inhalation, the incidence of side
with muscle relaxant、endotracheal intubation and                effects, specifically PONV, was less frequent with propofol.
inhalation. The operation time was not more than 30             1 Thinking about the PONV history of this patient, we
minutes every time. It is the reason why the patient had        preferred propofol to sevoflurane. Also, insertion of
                                                                the LMA under deep inhaled anesthesia alone is not

Laboratory and Clinical CInavseesRtigeaptoiortn   67            FAM 2014 Jan/Feb Vol.21 Issue 1
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