Page 15 - 麻醉与监护论坛2015年第5期
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100%, specificity was 75.5%, accuracy was 84.4%, positive of PCT and APACHE Ⅱ was decreased, CRP has no less
predictive value 70%, negative predictive value was 100%, correlation with APACHE Ⅱ, consistent with relevant
positive likelihood ratio was 1.32, and negative likelihood domestic reports [6], the author thinks that: CRP in geriatric
ratio was 0. This study showed the self-created method trauma patients condition monitoring is lagging and the
of quantitative detection of serum PCT can be used for specificity is not high, PCT in evaluating elderly traumatic
clinical detection and has good detection performance, condition and predicting infection is superior to CRP. Using
has the early diagnostic value in elderly trauma patients’ the self- created method to create PCT, in the positive point
co-infection. of 0.56ng/ml evaluation of complicated infections in elderly
patients with trauma, the sensitivity was 100%, specificity
Discussion was 75.5%, the accuracy was 84.4%, positive predictive
value was 70%, negative predictive value was 100%, positive
In recent years, traffic accidents, natural disasters, likelihood ratio was 1.32, negative likelihood ratio was 0.
engineering construction, such as trauma incidence This experiment established the quantitative detection
increased year by year, trauma has become one of the of serum PCT method can be used as a new method for
main causes of human death. The immune function of clinical, early diagnosis of complicated infections in elderly
elderly patients also low, often with complicated condition, patients with trauma of high sensitivity, specific, and the
uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock, hypoxemia and acidosis, applicable to clinical diagnosis and monitoring of the
inflammatory cytokines induced a large of release easily infection.
elderly patients with systemic inflammatory response,
eventually leading to sepsis and multiple organ function This study successfully established the method
failure and death [3]. Therefore, to correctly assess disease to detect the serum PCT quantitative model, and
in elderly patients with trauma, monitoring condition especially for the elderly to set a positive point, have
changes, predicting concurrent infection is very important. a higher clinical diagnostic value of clinical early
PCT is a kind of inflammatory medium [4], and level of accurate evaluation of elderly trauma infection patients,
normal is often less than 0.1ng/ml, as bacterial, fungal and monitoring and predicting prognosis and has clinical
parasitic infections and sepsis, the PCT levels significantly guidance value.
raise, closely related to the severity and prognosis of
traumatic inflammation [5]. REFERENCES
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Laboratory and Clinical CInovveesrtiTghaetisoins 96 FAM 2013 Mar/Apr Vol.20 Issue 2